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"SQL Fundamentals" 6 of 7 Lesson 5: Select Queries With Aggregate Functions by @booleanlogical
"SQL Fundamentals" 7 of 7 Lesson 6: Scalar & Inline Table Functions by @booleanlogical
"SQL Fundamentals" 5 of 7 Lesson 4: Insert Statements, Joins & Database Diagrams by @booleanlogical
SqlServerAggregateFunctions Sql Server Aggregate Functions KRALEGITIM.COM
"SQL Fundamentals" 2 of 7 Lesson 1: Creating Your First SQL Database by @booleanlogical
Aggregate Functions in SQL
"SQL Fundamentals" 3 of 7 Lesson 2: Creating Stored Procedures by @booleanlogical
SQL Quick Reference
"SQL Fundamentals" 4 of 7 Lesson 3: Foreign Key Relationships by @booleanlogical
SQL Server - Query Table Record Data via TSQL - MIN() Function
SQL lesson 5
SQL Server Tutorial - Part 4 - Alieses, Expressions, ORDER BY, TOP, subqueries